
 In our 5th grade spelling program, students are offered the opportunity for challenge spelling lists each week.  These are shorter lists that have more challenging words that follow the same phonic rules as the spelling list that goes along with our reading story.

 Please see my spelling city website for the spelling list and activities: 


Click on "Find a List" and then go to "username" type msaaron5a in the search box.

Much of success in spelling can be attributed to effort.  If you are looking for some fun     ways to practice your spelling words, see the suggestions below.

   1. Type your spellng words on the computer.

2. Use sign language to sign your words. Here is a link to help you with the alphabet


3. Play Spelling Battleship with a parent, friend, or sibling. Have your partner write the spelling words randomly arond the Battleship grid. Once they have all of the words written, start guessing pairs to find where the spelling words are. If you guess the location of a spelling word, you must spell it correctly before you can claim it. The attachment for the gameboard is at the bottom of this page.

5. Use old magazines, catalogs, or newspapers to cut out letters and glue them down to spell your words

6. Spelling Art: write their spelling words in glue and paint over with watercolors

7. Scratch art: make a design on white paper using oil pastels or press hard with crayons. Paint over with black tempera paint and when it dries, scratch the spelling words with a toothpick.

8. Write each of your spelling words in sentence.

9. Outline your word in a rainbow of colors

10. Write the words in ABC order

   11. Connect the Dots - Make a square of 4 rows of dots with 4 dots in each row. Before    taking a turn, the player must spell a spelling word. If the word is correct, he connects two dots. When a player forms a square, he can write his initials in the box. Player with most squares at the end wins.


    12.  SNOW SPELLING- Trace the words in the snow, OR, if you have some friends over you can build your words!

spelling and vocabulary
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