This year we will be learning about topics within the following science studies: life sciences, physical sciences, chemical sciences. We will start the year by learning about cells, characteristics of living things, and systems of living things.
You will need to keep a science notebook. In your science notebook you will have a table of contents, and you will label each page. This will help you with organization, and will also aid your studying efforts, as all of your papers will be kept in your notebook. We will take notes, perform labs, watch demonstrations, and complete projects in order to learn the variety of topics we will discover this year.
Format of the test:
Part I. Matching: 3 pts (vocabulary)
Part II. Fill-in-the-blank 3 pts (examples for vocabulary)
Part III. Multiple Choice 5 pts (vocabulary)
Part IV. Short Answer 3 questions, 5 points a piece (energy, lab...what kinds of questions could you look over, to get a good idea for sample questions? Hint...did you write answers to questions?)
We are currently studying Unit C, Chapter 2
You can review the following topics and terms throughout the chapter with your student to help them study: 1. kinetic energy 2. potential energy 3. transfer of energy 4. conduction 5. convection 6. radiation 7. The ways that energy can cause change 8. The difference between stored energy and energy of motion. |
Compare and contrast kinetic and stored energy.
Compare and contrast radiation, conduction and convection.
Look through the book to see how energy can be transferred and explain. |