
Bible Trivia of the Week...

What did Jesus first say to his disciples when he appeared to them after his death?

John 20:19-21


Last week:



We are currently doing an in-depth study of the book of Daniel.  Ask your child about Daniel (Belteshazzar) and his companions, and our good friend King Nebuchadnezzar. 

We will be studying the sacraments this year in detail.  We will also be visiting with our priest, Fr. Chi, on a regular basis.  Fr. Chi helps support our religion curriculum by providing in depth information about topics, as well as answering students' questions about God, religion, priest life, and other religious topics.

Prayer for the Lenten Season

Almighty and Everlasting God,

You have given the human race

Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility.

He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man

And giving His life on the Cross.

Help us to bear witness to You

By following His example of suffering

And make us worthy to share in His


We ask this through our Lord Jesus

Christ, Your Son.


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