Mrs. Bradford 5A

Rose Theatre Workshop

April, 2010

Welcome to the 5A home page!  If you have any questions about fifth grade, or what is happening in our class, please view this website.  Please see the menu tabs for important information. Make sure to view each of the sections of this website to familiarize yourself with its organization. 
Each week I will update the monthly calendar with important dates and information.  Each Friday afternoon I will post the newsletter for the upcoming week.  The newsletter will help you find out what your child will be learning about the following week, as well as other important information for the week.
I will teach my students in 5A the following subjects:  Religion, Spelling/Vocabulary, English/Writing, Reading, and Art.  I teach all fifth grade students Science.  If you have any questions about these subjects, or your child's general well-being, please contact me at: Mrs. Wilds teaches math, and Miss Kestel teaches social studies.  Please click on the menu tab above with each of their names for their contact information.
Below are some tips from Dr. Charles Fay from Love & Logic in regards to helping your child with homework.
  • Help only as long as there is no frustration or anger.
    When homework becomes associated with negative emotions, it's no surprise that kids start to view learning as a real drag.
  • Help only as long as your child is working harder than you are.
    Say, "I'll be happy to help you as long as you're working harder than I am."
  • Avoid sitting with your child when they are about to "get it."
    Many kids come to believe that they can only learn new things…or "get it"…if an adult is guiding them every step of the way. Explain this by saying, "Part of my job as your Mom is to help you see that you can learn without me. That's why there will be times when I let you work by yourself."
Curriculum Night PPT 2009-10 NO PHOTO.pptx Curriculum Night PPT 2009-10 NO PHOTO.pptx
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